Snom UC Edition | snom 300, 320, 370, 821, 870, M9, PA1, Meeting Point | ProVu Communications

Snom UC Edition


Currently the Snom 300, Snom 370, Snom 710, Snom 720, Snom 760 & Snom 821 UC edition are all officially qualified for Microsoft LyncTM 2013. They also work on Lync with the same feature-set as Lync is backward compatible to it and supports existing 2007 R2 and Lync 2010 clients.

The Snom UC Edition firmware (Snom Unified Communications Edition) is an optional software module available for all Snom devices to upgrade them to Lync IP phones without the need for a gateway.

It combines the advantages of open standards-based IP telephony by using the SIP protocol to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft® Lync and any other SIP based IP PBX in parallel.


  • Snom UC edition phones can operate standalone to make and receive calls
  • Can work with or without a PC
  • Dual-SIP-stack provides soft migration into Lync or auto failover onto a SIP based switch/PBX
  • Supports auto provisioning via HTTP, HTTPS, and TFTP and remote management via TR-069
  • Publishing of the device presence status, like "in a call, DND, etc"
  • Additionally includes full standard feature set

Ordering Information

Compatible Phones

300 320 710 715 720 760 D715 D725 D765 MeetingPoint M9r
Officially Compatible with MS Lync yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Unofficially Compatible with MS Lync yes yes yes yes
Please note the phones that are not Offically Compatible will not be supported by Microsoft Lync

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